21-24 January, 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF), in Davos, a Swiss ski resort, held its 50th annual meeting. Davos is a meeting of world leaders and chief execs of big business, who gather each year on issues facing business and the global economy. “How to save the planet” was one of the themes this year. Greta Thunberg was the key speaker for a session on Averting a climate apocalypse
Around 3,000 people (approx. 80% men), came from around the world, some of them in their private jet.
The World Economic Forum, and its executive chairman Klaus Schwab, show increasing concern for climate change. All companies coming to Davos this year, had been asked to commit to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 or earlier.
The theme for this year’s forum was “stakeholders for a cohesive and sustainable world”. “How to save the planet” was one of the seven key themes, including three days of sessions with recognized speakers on climate and environment. Greta opened the first day of the forum in a session named: Averting a climate apocalypse.
Climate change was on the agenda and it was being mentioned in the talks and in the corridors. Going from talks to action is still an issue. We need some real leaders to come forward and become models for others.
Business, banks and investment institutions must stop investing in coal, oil and gas, governments must define and implement policies and we, the people must keep the pressure high, so that people at all levels realize that we are in an emergency and act accordingly.