9 – 10 December at Madrid Polytechnic University, UPM, Industrial Engineering.
Low-Emissions Solutions Conference: Systems Transformation for a 1.5 Degree World. WBCSD, ICLEI and SDSN organized this conference together with the UPM.
The conference presented the SDSN/FEEM report: Roadmap to 2050 A Manual for National to Decarbonize by Mid-Century (https://roadmap2050.report/). This roadmap uses a systems approach using technologies currently available to decarbonize power, transport, industrial and buildings sectors, tools and solutions to prevent the rise in world temperature beyond 1.5 ºC; analyzing the most appropriate technologies and the main barriers to reach a zero emissions scenario.
The aims of the LESC were to promote and make the Roadmap known especially among the UNFCCC negotiators as a tool to ramp up ambition on their NDCs, helping them to identify technologies available when developing their Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDs).
It was a dialogue between business, government and academia,
Decarbonization solutions were presented in 6 panels:
- Zero-Carbon Cities
- Low Carbon Power Generation and Distribution
- Harder to abate industrial processes (aluminum, cement and petrochemicals)
- Transport and Shipping: Land, Air, Water
- Defining Metrics: Ensuring Impact on Sustainable Development
- Systems Approach and Sector Coupling
The Conference was opened by Juan Carlos Jobet, Minister of Energy, Chile.
The Systems Approach and Sector Coupling panel highlighted the importance of combining multiple instruments in order to achieve multiple goals. No single policy – such as carbon taxation – can by itself address the multiple dimensions of the socio-economic-physical systems needed to combine climate actions with other sustainable development policies. Therefore, a systematic approach needs to penetrate the national and global policy dialogue.
The speakers either use a systems approach in their work for transition, or work with cross-cutting technologies that will help transition the entire system in a net zero emission world.
Meg Argyriou, Head of International Programs, ClimateWorks Australia, who was part of this panel has participated in the development of several transition plans. She considers that Asia is the region that is best prepared as of having good quality plans, Vietnam and Indonesia being two examples.
This is important news that we should look into! All countries need urgently prepare and start to implement their transition plan!
More information here: http://lowemissions.solutions
For agenda and speakers and watch live, see here: https://lowemissions.solutions/event/lesc-at-cop25/#sessions
Webcast: https://lowemissions.solutions/news/video-series-sessions-from-lesc-at-cop25/
Key note speeker, Juan Carlos Jobet, Minister of Energy, Chile, gave the Chilean view on climate change and the energy sector.